Dear Laity View Families,
Happy Thanksgiving! It is the time of year when we consciously think to give thanks for all that we have. Even though sometimes there are challenges in our lives, it is important to focus on all the wonderful opportunities and privileges we have living in the Lairy View community. A reminder that schools are closed on Monday for this statutory holiday. Please review the information below for some details about the upcoming week.
Mon., Oct. 14: Thanksgiving Day – NO SCHOOL
October 15 – 18: Halloween Boo Grams for sale, $1 each – recess and after school
Tues., Oct. 15: 10:20 – 10:35 am Primary Cross Country Training (Volker Park)
Wed., Oct. 16: 10:20 – 10:35 am Intermediate Cross Country Training (Volker Park)
3:00 pm SD42 Primary Cross Country Race (Albion Sports Field)
Thurs., Oct. 17: 10:20 – 10:35 am Primary Cross Country Training (Volker Park)
1:45 pm Shake Out BC – Earthquake Drill
Fri., Oct. 17: 12:25 pm PAC Hot Lunch – Hot Dogs
Grade 7 Hoodie Orders DUE
Mon., Oct. 21: 7:00 pm PAC Meeting (Library)
Photo Expression Orders: Photo orders placed by October 13th will be delivered to the school with no shipping charge. Orders placed after October 13th will be delivered with the retake photo orders, also with no shipping charge. Photo retakes are scheduled for October 23rd. After the last orders are delivered to our school, then any further photo orders are subject to shipping charges and are delivered to parents’ homes.
The Howl Masquerade Performance on Mon., Oct. 28th at 7:00 pm at the Terry Fox Theatre in Port Coquitlam: Canadian entertainer, Norman Foote, accompanied by singers from Laity View and Kanaka Creek Elementary school are performing a fun celebration of story, encouragement, and music. Wear your family-friendly Halloween costume and come howl. For more information and to purchase tickets, please go to the following link: .
School Safety Notification System: SD42 has developed a School Safety Notification System in collaboration with Ridge Meadows RCMP to keep students, staff, and volunteers safe. While it is impossible to anticipate all eventualities, the notifications established are used as a guide to conduct these procedures effectively. Please see the following link for more information:
Mrs. Lawrance