Dear Laity View Families,
November is upon us! Daylight savings time occurred on the weekend, so remember to turn your clocks back one hour. Congratulations to Mr. Neufeld and the Laity View Singers for a howling good concert with Canadian singer/song writer Norman Foote at the Terry Fox Theatre last Monday. It was a spooktacular performance!
This week we will be honouring Remembrance Day with an assembly on Fri., Nov. 8th; parents are welcome to join us in the gym. A reminder next week of the Remembrance Day holiday on Mon., Nov. 11th then a professional development day on Tues., Nov. 12th. Please review the information below for some details about the upcoming week.
Sun., Nov. 3: Daylight Savings Time (clocks fall back one hour)
Wed., Nov. 6: Spirit Wear Orders DUE
Order deadline for PAC Quesada Hot Lunch on Nov. 15th
Thurs., Nov. 7: PAC Family Glow Dance tickets go on sale at 8:00 pm (Munch-a-Lunch)
Fri., Nov. 8: 10:45 am Remembrance Day Assembly (Gym)
National Indigenous Veterans Day
12:25 pm PAC Treat Day – cinnamon buns (pre-order required)
Mon., Nov. 11: Remembrance Day Holiday – No School
Tues., Nov. 12: School Based Non-Instructional Day – no school for students
Growing Smiles Holiday Plants PAC Fundraiser Orders DUE – online
PAC Family Glow Dance – Join us for an epic family glow dance party on Thursday, November 28th from 5:30-8:00 pm in the Laity View Gym. For more information, please follow the PAC Facebook page.
Mrs. Lawrance