Dear Laity View Families,
Happy New Year! Thank you to all our families for your generous donations and support shared during the month of December. We have an amazingly kind and caring school community. Laity View has a new sensory path in the front hallway on the primary side. A huge thank you to Mme Collette, Mrs. Liu, Mme O’Doherty, and Mme Csillag for helping install the path during the winter break. Many thanks to our custodial staff for preparing the floor and waxing over top the path. Thank you also to the PAC for purchasing the sensory path decals. We look forward to many students (and staff) utilizing our new sensory path! Check it out here! New Sensory Path Please review the information below for some details about the upcoming week.
Mon., Jan. 8, 2024: Welcome back! School reopens after Christmas Break
January 9 – 13: Kindergarten Sibling Registration (for general and choice programs) – Any child who turns 5 years old in 2024 (born in 2019) with a sibling at Laity View Elementary is eligible to register for the 2024/25 school year.
Tues., Jan. 9: Ski and Snowboard field trip – all day (for those students registered)
January 10 – 12: Kindergarten Environmental School Registration
Thurs., Jan. 11: Deadline to order Pizza Hot Lunch for Jan. 19th
January 17 – 22: Kindergarten Choice Registration (French Immersion, Montessori)
Jan. 15 – Mar. 15: Grade 5 Middle Years Development Instrument Timeframe
Inclement Weather Procedures – The decision to close schools due to weather conditions is ultimately the responsibility of the Superintendent, who must balance the safety of students, staff, and parents with the need to provide learning. The decision is not taken lightly and is the result of a carefully thought-out process that is reviewed after each experience and refined if necessary. The decision to close schools is made by approximately 6:30 a.m. Details are:
- posted on the SD42 Twitter feed (@sd42news);
- posted on the SD42 Facebook feed (SD42Facebook);
- shared with News 1130, CKNW, and CBC 690 radio stations;
- posted on the SD42 Website (
Mrs. Lawrance