Laity View Elementary’s Code of Conduct has been created to maintain a safe, caring, orderly and inclusive school environment. The purpose of the Code of Conduct is:
- To encourage the development of socially responsible behaviour at school and in the community
- To foster a safe and welcoming learning environment for all students, staff and parents.
- To clearly communicate behavioural expectations to the school community.
The Code of Conduct applies to all members of the school community at school, traveling to and from the school, at any school-related activity at any location, on social media, or any circumstance/activity that will have an impact on the school environment.
In congruence with the BC Human Rights Code, Canadian Human Rights Act, and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom, SD42 and Laity View school are committed to providing a safe, caring and socially responsible school environment in which all learners can achieve academic excellence, personal growth and responsible citizenship. Safe, caring and socially responsible schools are free of acts of harassment, threat, intimidation, violence, abuse (verbal, physical or sexual), discrimination, theft and vandalism. Safe schools do not tolerate the presence of weapons, banned substances, or intruders. Discrimination will not be tolerated based on (but not limited to): appearance, capacity, disability, colour, ethnicity, religion, real and or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.
As students become more mature, expectations rise. Therefore, expectations for younger students differ from those for older students as well as for students with special needs who are unable to meet expectations due to a disability (whether it be cognitive, emotional, or physical).
- Carried out in a positive, learning centered manner in accordance with the SD42 Safe and Caring School Policy
- Applied fairly, in a dignified manner to encourage positive, acceptable behaviour
- Aimed at helping students take responsibility for their actions and understand the impact to others
- Learning centered to help children develop their problem solving and conflict management skills
- Carried out in ways that honour individual and situational differences
- Restorative in nature, recognizing that mistakes are an opportunity to learn, develop skills, and repair relationships
- Reflective, determining what support a child may need to be successful moving forward.
Our staff use the acronym WITS to help children develop problem solving skills:
W | Walk Away |
I | Ignore |
T | Talk it Out |
S | Seek Help |
Teachers communicate regularly about student conduct through phone, email, or the planner. Our support team, made up of education assistants, support teachers, counsellors, youth workers, learning services staff and administrators also help to teach behaviour and communicate regularly with families. Please allow 48 hours for a reply, recognizing that staff are dedicated to working directly with students during the school day.
Decisions will be made with respect to the individual. Responses to conduct issues will take into consideration the student’s age, maturity, and past conduct. Interventions will not discriminate against a student who cannot meet an expectation because of a disability. Every effort will be made to support students. However, if there are ongoing conduct issues after having implemented interventions, progressive discipline may include but is not limited to, referral to an intervention committee, suspension, change of program, change of school, referral to an intervention committee, or involvement of the police when behaviour includes a criminal code violation. When responding to breaches in the Code of Conduct, school officials may inform a student’s parent(s), the parents of other students who were involved, school district officials, the police or other agencies or the parents of all students when the whole school community needs to be reassured that a serious situation is being addressed. School District 42 offers an appeals process for school-based decisions, available under the parent tab at
The school district is committed to providing students with learning environments that are safe, responsive, and inclusive. The district recognizes that decisions about dress reflect individual expression of identity, socio-cultural norms, and they are personal.
Students may attend school and school-related functions in dress of their choice provided that their choices:
- Do not represent or promote weapons, gang culture, and controlled substances including but not limited to alcohol, drugs, or tobacco
- Use respectful language
- Do no depict or promote violence, racism, sexism, or discrimination
- Conform with established health and safety requirements for the intended activity
- Are not intimidating to others
Items found at school are placed in our lost and found bin in our main hallway for one month at a time. After one month, items are donated to local families in need. Small or valuable found items are kept in the office and held for pick up.
Fresh air and active play help support optimal learning conditions. Students head outdoors rain or shine. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. Each student should have a spare change of clothes at school. Even older students get muddy or wet! Umbrellas and boots are always a great idea on those wet Westcoast days.
It is expected that vehicles be always driven in a safe manner. It is also expected that drivers abide by the clearly posted traffic and parking regulations. Please be considerate during the heavy traffic times. As our parking lot can get very congested, we strongly advise families to walk or park across the street in the Westview overflow lot and walk to Laity View.
At Laity View Elementary, students are discouraged from bringing personal digital devices to school. This is because when students need to use technology as part of their learning, they will usually use the devices provided by the school. Our expectation is that cell phones are not used or turned on during the school day from 8:30 am to 2:20 pm. After school students should use their cell phones outside of the building. However, a staff member may grant a student permission to use a cell phone or other personal digital device for educational purposes during class time for purposes of inclusion and accessibility (e.g., digital literacy, communication, medical and health needs, and as defined within an individual education plan). Students who bring devices to school do so at their own risk. Parents wishing to contact their children during the school day can do so by calling our school phone at (604) 463-7108.
Office phones are for staff use during the school day. Student use of the school phone is for special circumstances or emergencies only. Teachers will provide students with a temporary phone pass if they require a child to phone home. As dismissal is one of the busiest times of the day, phones are not available for students to make after school plans.
For the school to dispense any medication, a parent/guardian must provide the office with the medication in its original container and fill out a “Request for Administration of Medication” form prior to the school administering the medication. The required form is available at the office and must be signed by a parent/guardian. For the safety of all students, please do not send medication in lunch kits.
The School Act gives teachers the same responsibility as that of prudent parents. “Prudent practice” varies from parent to parent, but we would rather err on the side of caution. When, in our judgment, an injury or an illness is something more than minor or casual, we contact the parent. If we are unable to reach a parent, we try the emergency number you have given the school. If we are unsuccessful in contacting you or your designate(s), we will call your doctor or simply proceed with having the injury/ailment checked by a clinic doctor. In obvious emergency situations we will call 911 and request an ambulance.
Fire (6), earthquake (2) and lock down drills (1) are held to teach the children how to stay safe in an emergency. The evacuation plan posted in each room has been reviewed and approved by the Maple Ridge Fire Department.
Student’s sign out their books during class book exchanges. Books should be returned within two weeks. For lost and damaged material, the librarian will assess an amount payable appropriate to the situation and to the condition of the material.
For the safety and comfort of all, we ask that pets be kept off school grounds during school hours. Please do not bring your pet into the building unless you have permission from the principal.
The city of Maple Ridge offers an after-school program at Laity View. For registration information please email