Golden Ears Elementary Motto:
Take care of yourself, take care of others, take care of our school
Statement of Purpose
At Golden Ears we believe that all students have the right to learn in a safe, caring and respectful environment. We also believe that children want to be helpful, that positive behaviors can be learned, and that teaching socially responsible behaviors requires modeling, time, consistency and practice. Home and school share this responsibility together for teaching safety and respect.
To help simplify our Code of Conduct we focus on respect, responsibility, and safety. Staff teach a range of strategies to help students understand what respectful behaviour looks, sounds, and feels like daily. Our school beliefs (i.e., Walk Together as One, Learn Together as One) and other effective approaches such as the “WITS” (Walk away, Ignore, Talk about it, Seek help) are taught frequently. The purposes of the Code of Conduct are:
- To foster a safe, respectful and welcoming learning environment for all students, staff and parents/guardians.
- To encourage the development of responsible behaviour resulting in a positive reputation for students and the school community.
- To clearly communicate behavioural expectations to the school community.
The Code of Conduct applies to all members of the school community at school, traveling to and from the school, at any school-related activity at any location, and in any circumstance/activity that will have an impact on the school environment.
Guests and Visitors to the School
For student safety we require that all guests, visitors and volunteers report to the office to sign in and receive a VISITOR identification pass as needed.
Welcome to the Parents Advisory Committee
The Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) is a group of dedicated parent/guardian volunteers who help to create a wonderful learning environment for students.
Their extra efforts help ensure Golden Ears is a welcoming and caring place for children to learn.
Initiatives include helping to build school spirit through various community events and assisting with the many extras that the students need such as field trips. Please join us at our monthly PAC meetings to share your talents and help make Golden Ears a great place for kids. ALL parents/guardians are welcome!
Supervision is provided at Golden Ears between 8:25 am and 2:20 pm. Several staff members are also always on duty during recess and lunch.
There is no supervision of students before or after school. The school is not responsible for children arriving early or staying late unless the teacher has requested it.
Entrance & Exit Procedures
To maintain a safe and settled school tone we ask that students use their classroom’s designated outside exit doors when entering and exiting the building. Please use these designated outside exit doors as waiting and meeting points whenever possible.
Students & Traffic Safety
There is extremely limited parking within our parking lots and as such, the parking lots are closed during drop off and pick up times. Daycare buses and vehicles with Accessibly Parking decals will be permitted in the parking lot. To reduce the number of vehicles around the school and our environmental impact, students, parents/guardians and visitors are encouraged to walk or ride bikes/scooters to school.
Please drive slowly and carefully in and around the school to help to keep everyone safe.
Technology Policy
As a school we believe that technology is an important tool for enhancing learning and we expect students to use it in a responsible manner. After careful consideration of how these technologies impact upon students’ levels of physical activity, interactive play, and social interactions we have established the following policy for personal technological devices:
- Personal gaming devices are not permitted at school as we want students to actively play together.
- For safety reasons, cell phones and tablets are permitted at school, but they must be switched off and packed away during the school day. Students may only use these devices during instructional time with teacher permission.
- At no time can students photograph, post, publish, or text any information about other students or staff.
- Students who choose to bring cell phones and other personal devices to school do so at their own risk. The school cannot guarantee the safety for these student devices.
- Please review any portions of this policy that may apply to your child. Students may not use their personal phone without teacher permission and supervision.
- If parents/guardians need to reach their child during school hours, please contact the office.
Attendance and Punctuality
Regular school attendance is a major factor contributing to student success in school. We expect that Golden Ears students will attend school regularly unless ill and will be punctual every day.
If your child will be absent, please advise us via the Parent Portal, emailing ge_reception@sd42.ca or
by calling the school prior to 8:30 am. Please advise your child’s teacher ahead of time if your child will be absent for an extended period of time.
Students who are late need to report to the office upon arrival. For safety reasons, confirmation of all absences are required unless a phone call, email or Parent Portal message has been received by the office.
Permission from a parent/guardian is required for students to leave school early. Students must never leave the school grounds without first notifying their teacher and the school office.
Recess/Lunch Time
At Golden Ears we eat our lunch from 12:00-12:15. While students are eating in the classroom, we expect them to:
- remain in their own classrooms
- talk quietly
- remain seated while eating
- treat each other and the school with respect
- clean up after themselves
- exit respectfully via the designated doors
We have “Westcoast Recess” and outside lunch time. Students enjoy the exercise and time outside with peers, so please always send outside clothing appropriate for the weather conditions. Since weather can be unpredictable and accidents or falls can occur, please send a spare set of clothes.
Litterless Lunches
To help teach the students how to better take care of the environment Golden Ears has a litterless lunch policy. As part of this process students are asked to pack out whatever they don’t eat within their lunch each day.
Emergency Closing of Schools
For purposes of announcing emergency closures prior to opening of schools please check the school district website (www.sd42.ca) and listen for updates on the following radio stations: CKNW (980 AM), CBC (690 AM), CFMI (101.1 FM)
Bicycles, Skateboards & Scooters
For safety reasons, all members of our community are required to dismount upon arrival on school property. Bicycles must be walked and locked in the designated area. Scooters can be locked in the courtyard or carried to the classroom and left there for the day. Safety rules must be followed at all times. Students must wear a safety helmet.
NOTE: The school cannot assume responsibility for personal property brought to school.
Conduct Expectations
Respect for Human Rights: In fostering a community of respect, inclusion, fairness and equity, we expect all members of our school community to not be discriminatory towards others because of race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, ability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or age.
As members of the school community, we believe in:
- a school-wide “hands off” policy where everyone can work and play safely
- speaking and acting towards others in a respectful and non-threatening way
- completing work to the best of our ability
- avoiding disturbing others during class time
- using common areas within the school quietly
- following School District #42 policy regarding weapons, replica weapons, matches, lighters, laser pointers, cigarettes, violence, alcohol, and drugs
- playing without fighting
- staying on the playground unless going home for lunch or picked up by a caregiver
- refraining from throwing objects that could cause injury or damage to property (rocks, sticks, snowballs)
- walking bicycles, skateboards and scooters while on the school grounds
- leaving expensive and valuable items at home
Certain behaviours will be considered unacceptable, including but not limited to:
- threatening behavior towards others (i.e. swearing, hurtful remarks, gossiping, inappropriate gestures)
- physical altercations of any kind
- continuous repetitive disruptive behavior
- defiance towards teaching staff
- theft, vandalism, or mistreatment of school or others personal property
- dressing in clothing which is inappropriate for an elementary school and learning (i.e., no clothing referencing drugs, alcohol, sex or foul language)
- teasing and/or bullying, on or off school grounds, including phone, computer and online messages or social media posts
During non-instructional times students are expected to:
- enter and exit the school by assigned doors and refrain from loitering in hallways or washrooms
- follow recess and lunch hour school rules and listen to supervisors
Expectations for student conduct for younger students differ from those for older students as they do for students with diverse needs who are unable to meet expectations due to varying abilities. It is expected that as students move through successive grades, become older and more mature that they will be more socially responsible.
Responses to Conduct Issues
Responses to unacceptable conduct will be thoughtful, consistent and fair. The focus of any intervention will be preventative and restorative in nature, rather than merely punitive.
Wherever possible, students will be encouraged to participate in the development of meaningful interventions through discussion and mediation.
Decisions will be made with respect to the individual. Responses to conduct issues will take into consideration the student’s age, maturity and past conduct. Interventions will not discriminate against a student who cannot meet an expectation because of a disability.
Reasonable steps will be taken to prevent retaliation against the person who reported a code of conduct issue.
Every effort will be made to support students. However, if there are ongoing conduct issues after having implemented interventions, progressive discipline may include, but is not limited to, referral to an intervention committee, suspension, change of program, change of school, or involvement of the police when behaviour includes a criminal code violation.
When responding to breaches in the Code of Conduct, school officials may inform a student’s parent(s), the parents of other students who were involved, school district officials, the police or other agencies or the parents of all students when the whole school community needs to be reassured that a serious situation is being addressed.
Reporting To Parents/Guardians
There are five reporting periods in each school year. The Ministry of Education regulates three formal reports and two informal reports to parents/guardians (i.e. telephone calls, class newsletters, student self-evaluations). The formal reports are usually in December, March and June. These conferences and reports include a description of each child’s progress in relation to the curriculum in intellectual, social, human and career development. These reports contain information about:
- what your child is able to do
- areas requiring further attention
- ways of supporting your child’s learning
Parents/Guardians have a critical role to play in the education system. By regularly attending conferences and meetings, you can help give your child the best educational opportunities possible. Please attend all conferences and call the school if you have any questions or concerns.
Parent/Guardian Appeal Procedure
If a parent/guardian is concerned about a decision made by a teacher, the parent/guardian first has an obligation to raise the concern with the teacher directly. If the concern is not resolved, the parent/guardian may request a meeting with the teacher and the principal to discuss the issue. If, after this meeting, the parent/guardian is still dissatisfied with the decision made or action taken, a meeting with the principal and the assistant superintendent may be requested to resolve the matter.
Field Trips
Field Trips are an important part of a students’ educational experience. These practical firsthand experiences within the community are meant to provide a connection to the learning in the classroom.
Parents/guardians must give permission before we allow the child to participate. Driver authorization and abstract forms are required for all drivers transporting children other than their own. Forms are available from the office. These procedures are set up to ensure student safety.
Field trips are a part of the curriculum and all students are expected to participate. No student will be denied the right to participate in a field trip due to financial constraints. In such cases, parents/guardians are encouraged to speak to the teacher or principal (such information is kept in confidence).
Emergency Contact Information
During a school day, it is sometimes necessary to contact parents/guardians. We may need to do this if a student is ill or injured.
Ensuring that the school always has current phone numbers and email addresses where parents/guardians can be contacted during the day is crucial. If a home phone number is not possible, please arrange a system whereby you can be contacted in case of emergency. We also ask that parents/guardians provide us with the name and phone number of an EMERGENCY CONTACT person if parents/guardians cannot be contacted.
For safety reasons, our school has a policy that no primary student will be allowed to leave the school unsupervised during the day. If it is necessary for the student to go home, they will be retained at the school until a parent/guardian or designate can come and pick them up. Intermediate students can go home, but only after we are given direct instruction to do so by a parent or legal guardian.
Library / Learning Commons
The library hours vary each year depending on the number of volunteers and school staffing. Students are given a library number that remains the same until they leave the school. The loan period for books is two weeks. If students have overdue books, they will be limited to the number of new books they may check out. Students are encouraged to bring back overdue books as soon as possible. At the end of the year, books that have not been returned must be paid for. Volunteers are greatly appreciated!
Fire/Earthquake/Emergency Drills
All classes practice both fire and earthquake drills. As per District and Fire Regulations, school FIRE DRILLS are held at least six times each school year. The goal is to exit the building quickly and in an orderly manner. Students are expected to vacate the building immediately, regardless of their footwear.
The Purpose of Homework
- To help promote self-reliance and responsibility
- To have time to do research
- To review notes
- To develop research and study techniques
- To show parents the progress the student is making
- To promote communication between school and home
How Can Parents/Guardians Help?
Establish a consistent “homework time”
- Provide a quiet, regular space to work
- Provide the necessary materials
- Help them with their organization
- Participate in:
– practicing math drills
– listening to reading
– reviewing questions
– checking understanding for tests
– helping with spelling
- Praise your children for their efforts
How Much Homework?
Most educational research recommends the following average homework time:
Grades 2 & 3 15 minutes/day
Grades 4 & 5 30 to 60 minutes/day
Grades 6 & 7 45 to 60 minutes/day
Please help your child remain organized by reviewing assigned work within their planner. These student planners should come to school each day.
Travel and Homework Requests
Over the course of the year, families may travel while school is in session. For these trips, families sometimes request additional homework to be provided. It is very difficult for students to complete new assignments and projects while away from school. Students often need to be present for classroom instruction to properly understand and complete this work successfully. With this reality in mind, if your family is going to travel, our staff will be happy to assist with some suggestions regarding assignment completion and helpful reading, writing, and numeracy practice. In most situations we will not provide additional new assignments.
What if your child:
is absent….
Contact the school office by phone, email ge_reception@sd42.ca or enter your child’s absence via the Parent Portal.
is sick…….
We appreciate your phone call/email/Parent Portal entry when your child is too sick to come to school.
If you have taken your child to the doctor and they are contagious, please ask the doctor how long they should stay home until they are no longer contagious. This is just a reminder, that if your child is diagnosed from the doctor with something other than a cold or the flu, (ex., Scarlet Fever, Fifths Disease, Chicken Pox, etc.), it is important that you advise the school as soon as you find out. This enables us to send a notice home to the other families in the class so that those who are “at risk” (such as pregnant women, those who are immunocompromised, infants, etc.), can be aware that they may have been exposed to that virus. (Information notices sent home do not identify those who have contacted the viru s.)
is moving….
Transfers and withdrawals are completed online through the Parent Portal.
loses items….
Check the Lost & Found located on the rack outside the school office.
wants to use the phone….
Your child will ask for permission and obtain a phone pass from the teacher. Please remember this use is for special circumstances only. After school plans must be arranged and confirmed prior to coming to school in the morning.
has an appointment….
Send a note to the teacher and notify the office so that your child can be dismissed at the required time.
experiences a lengthy illness….
Notify the office. Your child may qualify for the Hospital/Homebound Program.
wants to talk to the counselor….
Advise the classroom teacher or support teacher. That person will be the one to contact the counselor.