Our school is an amazing learning community with a positive and respectful tone throughout our halls, classrooms, and playgrounds. To maintain this terrific school culture we work hard together to emphasize leadership, social responsibility, and compassion. We explicitly teach students social problem solving skills such as: the “WITS” (Walk Away, Ignore, Talk About It, Seek Help), character education, and we emphasize a “Hands Off” Policy. We teach these beliefs with the students daily when sharing our school motto: Take care of yourself…..Take care of others…Take care of the school!
Golden Ears Elementary also has a thriving Fine Arts Program where all students are able to experience music, drama, dance, and musical productions throughout the school year!
We are very proud of our outstanding Fine Arts Programming!
Throughout the year please stay in close touch with our staff and visit this school website for additional information. We will provide regular updates in our school newsletters as the year progresses.
Lastly, our school is very fortunate to have a supportive and involved parent community. It’s a pleasure to be at a school with such outstanding parent involvement! We truly appreciate this continued support and assistance. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. Our goal again this year is to continue to make Golden Ears Elementary…. “Simply the best school around.”
Mrs. L. Brandon, Principal Mrs. C. Crump, Vice Principal