Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows School District No. 42 is inviting feedback from students, staff, and families on accessibility barriers in the district. These barriers can range from access to a school program, building, or school information, to the ability to receive a needed service or support. (Click here for a list of other potential barrier types.) … [Read More...] about SD42 Accessibility Survey
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Message for families: safe and inclusive Halloween
Dear families, The Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows School District seeks to foster a culture of belonging and respect, and has publicly stated its committed to anti-racism and equity. As Halloween approaches, I wanted to remind students, families, and staff of the need to be thoughtful and inclusive when selecting a costume to be worn at school. The choice of costume should always be respectful of the diverse cultural and lived experiences of all the members of our school communities. Please consider the two following guidelines when you and/or your child are making the costume … [Read More...] about Message for families: safe and inclusive Halloween
Schools closed Monday, September 19, 2022, for national holiday
Dear families, As you may have heard, the federal government announced yesterday that Monday, September 19, 2022, will be a national day of mourning to commemorate the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. Late this afternoon, the provincial government confirmed that B.C. K-12 schools, public post-secondary institutions, and most Crown corporations will also be closed on this day. As a result, Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows School District schools and school district offices will be CLOSED on Monday, September 19, 2022. Sincerely, Harry DhillonSuperintendent of Schools … [Read More...] about Schools closed Monday, September 19, 2022, for national holiday

August 31, 2022: Letter for families from Superintendent Dhillon
Dear families, As the summer slowly winds to a close and we prepare to welcome students back to school, I am reaching out to provide information about our start-up for the 2022/23 school year. Student and Family Affordability Fund As you may have heard, the provincial government announced a one-time fund of $60 million dollars to support children and families affected by rising inflation and associated cost of living challenges. The money is to be used to support families in need with school supplies, meals, and school-related fees. For the Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows School District, … [Read More...] about August 31, 2022: Letter for families from Superintendent Dhillon

End of school year message from Superintendent Dhillon
Dear families, As the cool and wet spring weather warms into the promise of a bright and re-energizing summer, I want to take a moment to thank all students, staff, and families for another successful school year. The school year has ended for most of our students, with only Kanaka Creek Elementary remaining in session until July 26. For students registered in summer learning, classes will begin after the Canada Day long weekend, on Tuesday, July 5, 2022. … [Read More...] about End of school year message from Superintendent Dhillon