Wear Red and Green Day and earn a house point!
Wear Red &Wear Green and earn points for your house team!
Reaching for the Stars
Wear Red &Wear Green and earn points for your house team!
Mr. Millar will be off work for a few days as he will be enjoying a family celebration. Mrs. Donna Heikkila, a former Principal of Edith McDermott, will be here during his absence.
The Christmas Concert is both on Tuesday and Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. The show is the same on both days; we ask that you attend only one performance. No tickets are needed; the PAC does raffle some front row seats - visit munchalunch.com for tickets.
All Parents of Edith McDermott Elementary students are automatically members of the PAC – your involvement is important. The PAC discusses fundraising, events, and how to spend funds raised. Babysitting is available. Please join us.
The Christmas Concert is both on Tuesday and Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. The show is the same on both days; we ask that you attend only one performance. No tickets are needed; the PAC does raffle some front row seats - visit munchalunch.com for raffle tickets.