Bookfair!! November 21 to November 28

Come check out all the books and other neat things at the Bookfair!    The Bookfair runs from November 21 to November 28. It is open at recess, lunch and after school.   It is also open during the Conferences - on Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on Friday from 9 a.m. to […]

Alouette Addictions Presents “Teen Drug Trends” at Maple Ridge Secondary School

Frank Talk about Substance Abuse and Vaping Hi all.. I've worked with both of these individuals throughout my career and they present the information parents need to know in a very frank, honest, and informative manner. As our kids approach adolescences and high school a parents best way to support their students as they navigate this world is to […]