Dear Families,
Thank you to all families who have already signed up for conference times with classroom teachers. To facilitate these conferences there is an early dismissal next Thursday December 1st at 11:30am and a full conferencing day on Friday December 2nd . We are looking forward to seeing parents and students in person at the school to talk about, and celebrate, your child’s progress and successes together next week!
Other Important Items to be aware of this week are:
- PAC Fundraiser Pick Day is Tomorrow 1:30-2:45pm!!! (Poinsettias, Purdys & Funscrip)
A heart felt thank you to all families who supported the PAC’s fundraisers for Poinsettias, Purdy’s Chocolates, and Funscrip. Pick up for all of these orders will be tomorrow Thursday, November 24th. If you are unable to pick up your order that day, please have someone pick up for you.
- Musical Productions coming in the 2023!!!
Our school is fortunate to have a thriving Performing Arts program where the kids have opportunities to sing, dance and act each week. As part of this programming we want to provide opportunities for students to perform in front of audiences (big and small). This year our primary musical will be on January 25th and 26th and there will be an intermediate performance later in the Spring.
Mr. Wheatley