Hello c’usqunela Families,
Though it was a shorter week with Remembrance Day observed on Monday, it was a busy one with many field trips, volleyball games, music and drama rehearsals and other activities around the school. There are so many opportunities for our students at c’usqunela!
Our New Classrooms:
Our Portables (I really want to call them cabins) will be ready to go for this upcoming Monday! They are quite beautiful buildings and I feel like they blend in nicely with the school. Students in Ms. Peebles’ class and Mr. Henderson’s class will be able to line up outside their Cabin doors on Monday; Ms. Peebles’ class is closest to the parking lot and Mr. Henderson’s is closest to the field!
Front entrance in the morning:
We are noticing many students and families wishing to come into the front doors first thing in the morning. Please remember to have students enter through their pod doors until 8:35am as teachers have not done attendance yet and this will help to alleviate congestion in the office during the morning rush!
Checking in:
Also a reminder to parents to please come by the office if you are coming to drop something off so you can sign in. We need to know who is in the building for safety purposes or in case we are having a fire drill, etc.
Holiday Plants:
Holiday plants will be delivered to the school on Thursday, November 23rd. We plan to start pick up after school. If orders are ready for pick up earlier we will send a message out via Facebook. If you are unable to pick up on Thursday, please arrange for someone to pick up for you as we can’t store plants at the school cusqunelapac@gmail.com
Thank you for your support!
Thank you for helping to make c’usqunela a great place for our students and we wish you a great weekend!
c’usqunela Elementary