Dear Families,
Just a couple of important reminders for the next of next week are:
- THIS Monday January 24th is a District wide Non-Instructional Day. There is no school for students this coming Monday.
- Every Tuesday is c’usqunela Tuesdays when we encourage students to wear their school wear (or positive messages) to build school spirit! For the month of January, we are adding Toonie Tuesdays to this routine, so the kids can help raise money for the playground too. We are getting closer and closer to our new playground and so every Tuesday this month we are inviting students to bring in toonies to help. Students who bring in donations will be entered in a draw for some fun prizes each week!
- Thank you to all families for continuing to be cautious when your children are sick. Please continue to be diligent with the daily health check ( K to 12 Health Check App) as this is single biggest thing we can do as a school community to keep everyone healthy and at school.
Thank you!