A reminder to all families that this Thursday and Friday Student Inclusive Conferencing is occurring. On Thursday there is an early dismissal at 11:30 and on Friday there are no regular classes. Please ensure that you sign up for a conference through the Parent Portal. If you have any questions regarding your child’s conference please contact your child’s classroom teacher.
When you are in school for your child’s conference please ensure you check the lost and found. All unclaimed items will be donated to charity.
Thank to Ms. Lovell’s grade 6/7 class for organizing Minion Day on Friday. Great fun was had by all who took part.
On Wednesday, March 13th Ms. Downes Div. 5 class will be hosting a jump rope event. The funds raised will go to BC Children’s Hospital . The goal is to collect ~$1 per student/ a total of $500. Donations will be collected next week from March 11- the morning of the 13th.
Spring Opportunities for students
Albion Elementary Spring 2024 after school programs
This week
Monday, March 4
Girls basketball practice 7:30 am
Literacy and Games MPR 8:00-8:25 am
Grade 4/5 open gym at recess
Intramurals 12:20 pm
Boys B away against Blue Mountain
Boys A home game against Meadowridge
Tuesday, March 5
Boys- Lovell Practice 7:30 am
Literacy and games MPR 8:00-8:25 am
Grade 2/3 open gym at recess
Girls away game at Blue Mountain
Wednesday, March 6
Girls Basketball Practice 7:30 am
Literacy and Games MPR 8:00-8:25 am
Grade 4/5 open gym at recess
Intramurals 12:20 pm
Thursday, March 7
Open Gym 8:00-8:25 am
Grade 2/3 open gym at recess
Early Dismissal 11:30 am- Student Inclusive Conferencing
Friday, March 8
No Classes Student Inclusive Conferencing
Upcoming Events
March 10- Ramadan begins
March 13- Jump Rope Event
March 14- Div. 13 and 14 Bowling 9:30-12:00 pm
-Basketball finals
March 15- Reading Link School Challenge 9-10:30 am
-PAC Hot lunch Boston Pizza
-Last Day before Spring Break
April 2- School Reopens
April 5- PAC Fun Friday Chips $1.00
April 9- Div. 17 and 23 Belcarra Park all day
April 12- Terry Fox Walk/Run
April 13- Vaiski