Great things are continuing to happen in in our classrooms!
February is a busy month as classroom teachers are not only presenting lessons to recognize Black History month but many are also celebrating Lunar New Year, 100’s Day and Valentine’s Day. We have also had several presenters come and visit our school. Mr. Martin, VP of Aboriginal education, and Mrs. MacIntosh, District Aboriginal teacher, came and worked with Mrs. Parker Carri’s class on Metis jigging. The organization Ocean Wise was in last week giving free workshops to all our students sharing marine artifacts and hands-on interactive activities teaching the student how to care of our oceans and waterways. And, Mr. McLoskey (retired Aboriginal teacher) came in and worked with a group of students on indigenous carving. This week, free of charge, Wrestling BC is at the school providing our students in Div. 1-17 with an introduction to wrestling. Dan, the recycling man, is also in the building teaching our Kindergarten/Grade 1 students how to make recycled paper and Jaime, our Aboriginal Support worker is working with classes on beading.
A huge thank you to our PAC for hosting a fantastic Family Dance on Friday night. A big shoutout goes to Ms. Bello, one of our EA’s who donated her time and equipment as she was our DJ for the event.
REMINDER: Grade 8 registration opens tomorrow, February 13
Online Grade 8 Transition Period registration for students going into Grade 8 next year opens on the Parent
Portal at noon tomorrow, Tuesday, February 13, 2024. Registration closes 11:59 pm, Tuesday, February 27, 2024.
Additional information about Grade 8 transfers is available under the Grade 8 Transfer Period Information 2023/24 tab on the district website at
Donations Needed
Families may not be aware but we run several food programs in our school. One of the programs we run is a universal snack program. This program is open to any student who requires a snack. Although we have applied for a grant to help us run this program, we are finding that the number of children accessing this program exceeds the amount of funds that we have to purchase snacks, therefore we are in need of donations.
Some items that we are always looking for…
Fresh fruit (apples and oranges)
Individual packages of apple sauce
Peanut free granola bars
Val Nuture blueberry bars
Fruit cups
Fruit snacks
School Safe Banana Bread
Any other peanut free prepackaged snacks.
We would love to be able to serve fresh veggies for snacks however, we do not have the means to prepare and serve these on a daily basis outside of our lunch program.
If you are able to provide a donation, please have just drop it off at the office. If you have any questions regarding this program please contact Mrs. Dailey or Kellie McNutt, our Childcare Worker.
This week
Monday, February 12
Literacy and Games MPR 8:00-8:25 am
Boys Rec games Team A vs Team B
Tuesday, February 13
Open gym 8:00-8:25 am
Grade 8 Transition Period Registration opens at 12:00 pm (Parent Portal)
Boys Comp. Practice 12:00 pm
Wednesday, February 14- Happy Valentine’s Day
Literacy and Games MPR 8:00-8:25 am
Boys Comp. home game
Thursday, February 15
Open gym 8:00-8:25 am
Sketch Book Club 2:30-3:00 pm
Friday, February 16
Boys Comp. Practice 7:30 am
Literacy and Games MPR 8:00-8:25 am
Div. 9 and 17 to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 11:30 am-2;20 pm
PAC Hot Lunch- McDonald’s
Girls away at Eric Langton
Boys Rec B Practice 2:30 pm
Upcoming Events
February 19- Family Day- No School
February 20- Non-Instructional Day- No School
February 21- PAC meeting 6:30 pm
February 27- Div. 15 and 17 skating 8:45 am
February 28- Kindness Day
February 29- Div. 6 and 16 skating
March 7- Early Dismissal for Student Inclusive Conferencing
March 8- No Classes Student Inclusive Conferencing
March 10- Ramadan begins
March 13- Jump Rope for Heart
March 14- Basketball finals
March 15- Last Day before Spring Break
April 2- School reopens after break