15 Days of Giving
Thank you to all families who were able to give to Coins for Kids for just over $150.00 was raised. This weeks we have the following occurring…
On Monday, December 9 we will collect socks to give to the Salvation Army
On Tuesday, December 10 our students will be performing random acts of kindness.
On Wednesday, December 11 we will be collecting bags of candy and then will donate the candy to seniors.
On Thursday, December 12 we will be picking up garbage around the neighbourhood.
On Friday December 13 we will be providing our parents/guardians with coffee at drop off. Tim Horton’s has also donated Tim Bits for our students.
Sock and Candy donations will be accepted all week.
Entrepreneur Fair is on Wednesday, December 11th. Some Grade 6/7 classes have been hard at work preparing some amazing products to sell. This is a great opportunity for your child to do a bit of holiday shopping for their family members. Items typically cost between $1-$5 (with $3 being the average).Please send in a shopping bag for your child to help carry items while we are in the fair. Parents are invited to attend – please just sign in at the office.
Primary Christmas Musical
All ticket order forms were sent home with the youngest primary child. All order forms are due back by Friday, December 13th. Extra order forms are available in the office.
Intermediate Talent Show
Auditions for the intermediate talent show are occurring this week. If students have any questions, they need to speak to Mr. Jung.
Passion Project Club – coming in January
Meet Wednesdays 12:00-12:40 in the Multi-Purpose room starting Jan 8 through to the end of May.
Students Grades 2 to 7 are invited to join this club
The intention is to allow time for children to come together with other and learn hobbies or skills while spending time with others from the school community.
Some ideas of things to learn or create include Knitting, making bracelets, drawing, reading, writing, making a game, origami, weaving, crocheting, etc. Choices need to be safe, able to be done and cleaned up within the lunch hour. There is no space for things to be saved or to dry over the week. This is NOT a club for sports activities, games, hanging out chatting, etc. if in doubt they can check with the supervising teachers (Mrs. Weger, Ms. Stevens, Ms. Golnick, Ms. Lindert, Mrs. Dailey) Students must be doing something related to their passion or skill they want to learn or learning from another student.
Children need to plan ahead and make sure they bring all supplies they will need. They might need to have their families help them gather or buy their supplies. No supplies will be provided at the school.
Children will be responsible for eating their lunches during this time without making a mess or spilling on other’s materials. It is not ok for a child to return to class and ask to eat at 12:40
Children are responsible for cleaning up all their supplies and any mess they create before 12:40 pm
If there are too many children for the day the supervising teacher may need to limit participation to manageable numbers.
PAC News
At 10:30 am and at 12:30pm our PAC will be hosting a toonie toss and the winner will win front row seats to the Primary Christmas Musical. Come early and test your skills!
District News
Community News
Ridge Meadows RCMP: E-Bike Safety Tips
Please see important e-bike safety tips from Ridge Meadows RCMP, including information about the different laws for each type of e-bike. (E-scooters are not legal in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows.)
This week’s events…
Monday, December 9th
Boys’ Rec Basketball Practice – 7:30am
Handball Intermurals @ lunch (Team 1 vs Team 5)
Div. 2 Curling 12:00 pm-2:10 pm
Boys’ Comp Basketball Practice – 2:30pm
Tuesday, December 10th
Girls’ Rec Basketball Practice – 7:30am
Grade 6 Immunizations
Girls’ Drop-In Basketball @ Recess
Skating Div. 10 and 17 12:00 -2:20 pm.
Girls’ Comp Basketball Practice – 2:30pm
Wednesday, December 11th
Entrepreneur Fair in gym
Boys’ Comp Basketball Practice – 2:30pm
Thursday, December 12th
Girls’ Rec Basketball Practice – 7:30am
Div. 3 and 13 Skating 12:25-2:20 pm
Div. 2 Curling 12:00- 2:10 pm
Girls’ Comp Basketball Practice – 2:30pm
Friday, December 13th- Dress like your favourite celebrity/character day
Boys’ Rec Basketball Practice – 7:30am
Girls’ Drop-In Basketball @ Recess
Handball Intermurals @ lunch (Team 3 vs Team 6)
PAC Candy Bag sale $2.00 after school
PAC Movie night
Upcoming Events
Thursday, December 19- Div. 1 and 4 skating 8:45-10:30 am
Primary Christmas Musical 11am-12 pm and 1-2 pm
-Div. 11 Bowling 12:00-2:20 pm
Friday, December 20- Intermediate Talent Show- Time 11-12 pm
– Last Day Dismissal 2:20 pm
Monday, January 6- School Re-opens