It was so wonderful seeing everyone in last week for Student Inclusive Conferencing celebrating their child’s learning. If you did not get a chance to meet with your child’s teacher last week, please ensure that you contact with them to set up a meeting.
A huge thank you to all families who participated in the book fair for we were able to raise approximately $950.00 for the library.
This week we will be running the “Coins for Kids” fundraising campaign where all money that we raise goes to the Ridge Meadows Hamper Society. We will be collecting the following:
Tuesday- Nickels and Dimes
Wednesday- Quarters
Thursday- Loonies and Toonies
Friday- Paper or cheque donations
On Tuesday, December 19th we will be hosting a Family Christmas Celebration. To help accommodate as many families as possible there are two separate sessions 5:15 pm-6:15 pm and from 6:30 pm- 7:30 pm. During both sessions a 30-minute movie will be shown and then some Christmas Carols will be sung. To help us prepare we request that families please sign up for one of the two sessions through the following link.
The sessions are free however, we request that everyone who attends brings a non-perishable item for our local food bank.
Lost and Found
All lost and found are out on tables in front of our office. Please stop on in and see if anything looks familiar. Any items that remain unclaimed on the afternoon of December 22nd will be donated to charity.
PAC News
Hot lunch orders for December 22nd (Albion Pizza) close on December 12th at 9:00 pm. All ordering is done though
The PAC is asking all students to bring a reusable plate for this hot lunch as it will help. Cut down on our recycling.
We are excited to be part of the Abbotsford Canucks School Spirit program. Get your tickets and show your school spirit at the game on Saturday April 6, 2024. Tickets are $28 each. Book now:
Community Event
On Monday January 24th DPAC and Alisa’s Wish are bringing in Exploitation Education Institute to talk to parents about navigating the online world and keeping kids safe. This session will discuss the trends and provide an overview of current online exploitation while providing parents with practical and realistic effective strategies and approaches to keeping their kids safe online.
This week
Monday December 11
Girls Basketball Practice 7:30 am
Tuesday, December 12
Boys competitive practice 12:00- 12:40 pm
Boys Rec. practice 2:30 pm
Albion Pizza hot lunch orders close at 9:00 pm
Wednesday, December 13
Girls basketball Practice 7:30 am
Boys Competitive Practice 2:30 pm
Thursday, December 14
Prep. Recovery- See email sent on Friday
Boys competitive practice 12:00- 12:40 pm
Rec Basketball practice 2:30 pm
Friday, December 15
Upcoming Events
Dec. 19- Skating Div. 8 and 9 10:15-12 pm
-Community Christmas Celebration (Movie and sing-along)- 5:15-6:15 pm and 6:30- 7:30 pm
Dec. 22- PAC Hot lunch- Albion Pizza
-Last Day
Jan. 8- School re-opens
Jan. 12- Fun Friday- Sports Jersey Day