***NEW School Supplies for 2023-2024
This September Albion Elementary is excited to be piloting a new school supply program. A flat fee of $55 per child (planner not included) will be charged. This flat fee of $55 per child will cover ALL personal school supplies that each child will need for the school year.
This flat fee will ensure that school supplies bought for all students:
-Are the appropriate learning supplies for the grade level.
-Are of good quality and will last the year.
-Are cost effective.
-Will eliminate the “hassle” factor many families experience struggling to find required supplies.
-Will help to reduce visible inequalities with regards to student socio economic situations by ensuring everyone has the consistent and comparable
learning materials
How will this process work?
Classroom teachers will bulk order the required student school supplies in May. Supplies will be delivered to the school in August and will be ready for use when children arrive in September.
Any families with additional questions about this process, or who are concerned about financial hardship, are encouraged to speak with Mrs. Dailey or their classroom teacher directly for assistance.
Classroom teachers will request school supply money in September once new classrooms have been established.