Harry Hooge’s Code of Conduct has been created to maintain a safe, caring and orderly school environment. The purposes of the Code of Conduct are:
- To encourage the development of socially responsible behaviour resulting in a positive reputation for students and the school community.
- To foster a safe, respectful and welcoming learning environment for all students, staff and
- To clearly communicate behavioural expectations to the school
The Code of Conduct applies to all members of the school community at school, traveling to and from the school, at any school-related activity at any location, on social media, or any circumstance/activity that will have an impact on the school environment.
In congruence with the BC Human Rights Code, Canadian Human Rights Act, and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom, SD42 and Harry Hooge school are committed to providing a safe, caring and socially responsible school environment in which all learners can achieve academic excellence, personal growth and responsible citizenship. Safe, caring and socially responsible schools are free from acts of harassment, threat, intimidation, violence, abuse (verbal, physical or sexual), discrimination, theft and vandalism. Safe schools do not tolerate the presence of weapons, banned substances, or intruders. Discrimination will not be tolerated on the basis of (but not limited to): appearance, capacity, disability, colour, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.
At Harry Hooge, we are guided by our school’s Social Emotional Learning framework of C.A.R.E.S. We focus on positive behavior supports for students guided by our core values of:
Communication Acceptance Respect Encouragement Spectacular
We also encourage all members of our community to “Shine Bright Like a Knight” while we learn and grow together.
When students experience challenges at Harry Hooge, they are encouraged to use problem solving strategies, such as W.I.T.S.
Walk away Ignore Talk it out Seek Help
Responses to unacceptable conduct will be thoughtful and fair. The goal of discipline at Harry Hooge is to strengthen students and to teach them that each situation is an opportunity for learning. The focus of any intervention will be preventative and restorative in nature. Our goal is to create conditions for the child to fix their mistake and return to the group strengthened. Wherever possible, students will be encouraged to participate in the development of meaningful interventions through discussion and mediation. Our school counsellors and youth worker help students with skill building and conflict resolution. Reasonable steps will be taken to prevent retaliation against the person who reported a Code of Conduct issue.
In order to respond consistently and fairly to infractions, decisions will be made with respect to the individual. Responses to conduct issues will take into consideration the severity and frequency of the infraction and the age, maturity and past conduct of the child. Interventions will not discriminate against a student who cannot meet an expectation because of a disability.
Every effort will be made to support students. However, if there are ongoing conduct issues after having implemented interventions, progressive discipline may include, but is not limited to referral to an intervention committee, suspension, change of program, change of school or involvement of the police when behaviour includes a criminal code violation. Special consideration may apply to students with special needs if these students are unable to comply with the Code of Conduct due to having a disability of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional or behavioural nature.
When responding to breaches in the Code of Conduct, the principal/vice principal may inform a student’s parent(s), the parents of other students who were involved, school district officials, the police or other agencies.
Regular attendance and punctuality are critical factors in student achievement. Attendance at school develops an attitude about its importance and sets a tone, in the long run, about how students approach work responsibility. It is important that students arrive at school on time each day. Valuable learning occurs in the morning hours. Arriving at the same time as their classmates also helps children ‘settle’ into the learning activities, rather than having to ‘pick up’ the activity part way through.
Students arriving late are to sign in at the school office and receive a “Welcome Slip.” If your child will not be attending school, please enter their absence on the Parent Portal or contact the school prior to 8:30 am at 604-463-0866. The school has a 24-hour voice mail system in place for messages; these messages are checked regularly throughout the day. Notifying the school office of your child’s absence prior to school beginning will help avoid unnecessary calls to your home or work. For safety reasons, please let the school office know if your child will be absent or late.
The school district is committed to providing students with learning environments that are safe, responsive, and inclusive. The district recognizes that decisions about dress reflect individual expression of identity, socio-cultural norms, and that they are personal.
Students may attend school and school-related functions in dress of their choice provided that their choices:
- Conform with established health and safety requirements for the intended activity;
- Do not represent or promote alcohol or drugs;
- Use respectful language;
- Do not depict or promote violence, racism, sexism or discrimination; and
- Are not intimidating to others
Ultimately, the school administration has the responsibility to apply the dress guidelines when necessary. If any person dresses in an inappropriate manner, the student should be advised personally and discretely and given an opportunity to meet school district guidelines.
If your child goes home for lunch on a regular basis, please write a signed permission note. This note will be kept on file and will only have to be written once. If your child usually stays at school for lunch, they will need a signed note on each occasion before they will be allowed to leave. All children leaving the school grounds during the day will need to sign out and back in at the office (this helps if there is a fire drill, etc. and we need to account for all students). Students will not be granted permission to leave the school to go to the local Tim Hortons or gas stations.
Technology can serve as a powerful tool to enhance education, communication and learning. Harry Hooge is committed to ensuring that all students who utilize technology, including: computers, laptops, iPods, iPads, and other electronic devices to access the internet and social media, do so in a safe and responsible manner.
Students are required to be under adult supervision when using any technology during the school day. In classrooms where technology is used regularly for educational purposes, students and parents will be required to sign an Acceptable Use Contract. Students are not permitted to use any electronic device or form of technology during recess or lunch, unless they are under the direction and supervision of a staff member.
Our expectation is that cell phones are not used or turned on during the school day from 8:30 am to 2:20 pm. After school students should use their cell phones outside of the building. However, a staff member may grant a student permission to use a cell phone for educational purposes during class time. Students who bring devices to school do so at their own risk. Parents wishing to contact their children during the school day can do so by calling our school phone at (604) 463-0866.
Harry Hooge has an active Parent Advisory Council. All parents are welcome to attend the monthly PAC meetings and become involved in your child’s school activities. Volunteers are always needed. The PAC is represented by an Executive who is elected each year to the following positions: Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer, and Secretary. The PAC is a nonprofit society that follows a nonprofit society constitution and bylaws. The PAC is involved in many areas of the school: parent education, various fundraising, monthly hot lunch, fruit and vegetable program, school decision making and District PAC.
Harry Hooge Elementary has a part-time librarian, part-time counselor, part-time Speech & Language Pathologist, 2 full time ELL teachers, a full time Youth Care Worker, a support team of teachers and many Education Assistants. We also have an Indigenous Education Worker who works with all students to help implement First Peoples Principles of Learning. Staff work inclusively with all students in a variety of formats including classroom, small group and/or individual support.
Harry Hooge is a welcoming community that values guests, volunteers and parents. When you arrive, please enter our building at the main entrance and proceed directly to the office so we can greet you. You will be asked to identify yourself, share your purpose for visiting the school, to sign in as a “visitor” and receive an identification pass.