École Eric Langton Elementary Code of Conduct
At Eric Langton Elementary School we believe that all students have the right to learn in a safe, caring and respectful environment. All children can be responsible and respectful. Home and school share this responsibility for teaching safety and respect. To help students better understand what respectful behaviour and appropriate problem solving looks like staff actively teach students to use their “WITS” (Walk away, Ignore, Talk about it, Seek help), and reinforce what respectful behaviour looks, sounds, and feels like on an ongoing basis.
The purpose of the Code of Conduct is:
- To encourage the development of socially responsible behaviour resulting in a positive reputation for students and the school community.
- To foster a safe, respectful and welcoming learning environment for all students, staff and parents.
- To clearly communicate behavioural expectations to the school community.
The École Eric Langton Code of Conduct applies to all members of the school community, and is applicable at the school, traveling to and from the school, at any school-related activity at any location, or during any circumstance or activity that will have an impact on the school environment.
As members of the school community, we believe in supporting our children and developing their compassion, respect and care. We believe children want to be helpful, that positive behaviours can be learned, and that teaching socially responsible behaviours requires modeling, time, consistency and practice. Behavioural expectations held for students rise as they become older, more mature and move through successive grades.
Our Code of Conduct is based on:
Taking Care of Yourself
Being respectful to ourselves, making choices that positively impact the individual.
Taking Care of Others
Being individually and socially responsible community learners who make choices during learning and playing that are safe, inclusive and respectful to all community members.
Taking Care of This Place
Being safe while we work, play and learn while we also make sure that we take pride in our environment.
Conduct Expectations
We believe in treating others the way we want to be treated. All relationships and interactions at École Eric Langton should be respectful, polite, courteous, kind and inclusive. All relationships are important, and we have high expectations for:
- Interpersonal interactions between students, staff and parents
- Electronic interactions, including the use of the internet, texting, cell phones, computers, and other electronic devices
At École Eric Langton we promote a climate of understanding and mutual respect where all are equal in dignity and rights. All are entitled to the accommodations, services and facilities they require. We do not tolerate discrimination towards others that prevent them from having their needs met. We do not allow any publication or display of signs, symbols, or other representations that discriminate against others because of their race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation or age,
Any language (oral or written) or behaviour that deliberately degrades, denigrates, labels, stereotypes or incites hatred, prejudice, discrimination or harassment towards students or employees on the basis of their real and or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, appearance, capacity, disability, colour, ethnicity, or religion will not be tolerated.
Unacceptable Behaviours
Certain behaviours will be considered unacceptable in both interpersonal and “cyber” interactions. Examples of these include, but not limited to:
- Persons- Arguing, lying, misleading, taunting, teasing, intimidating, threatening, harassment of any form, bullying, cyber bullying, etc.
- Personal Space- Violence in any form such as grabbing, pushing, tripping, wrestling, fighting, snowballing or assaulting, etc.
- Property, the community, or environment- Vandalism to school or its grounds, vandalism to neighbouring property, littering, stealing, etc.
- Law- Any illegal activities including but not limited to drugs, alcohol, smoking, theft, vandalism, fireworks, weapons or replicas, intruders or trespassing, verbal/physical/sexual abuse, etc.
Expectations for student conduct for younger students differ from those for older students, as they do for students with special needs who are unable to meet expectations due to a disability. We support our students to become more socially responsible as they move through successive grades and become older and more mature.
Responses to Unacceptable Conduct
Responses to unacceptable conduct will be thoughtful, consistent and fair.
The focus of any intervention will be preventative and restorative in nature, rather than merely punitive. Wherever possible, students will be encouraged to participate in the development of meaningful interventions through discussion and mediation.
Decisions will be made with respect to the individual. Responses to conduct issues will take into consideration the student’s age, maturity and past conduct. Interventions will not discriminate against any student, including those who cannot meet an expectation because of a disability of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional or behavioural nature. Reasonable steps will be taken to prevent retaliation against any person who reports a Code of Conduct issue.
Every effort will be made to support students. However, if there are ongoing conduct issues after having implemented interventions, progressive discipline may include, but not be limited to, referral to an intervention committee, suspension, a change of program, a change of school, or involvement of the police when and if a behaviour includes a criminal code violation.
When responding to breaches in the Code of Conduct, school officials may inform a student’s parent(s), the parents of other students who were involved, school district officials, the police or other agencies or the parents of all students when the whole school community needs to be reassured that a serious situation is being addressed.
Student Clothing/Appearance
The school district is committed to providing students with learning environments that are safe, responsive, and inclusive. The district recognizes that decisions about dress reflect individual expression of identity, socio-cultural norms, and that they are personal.
Students may attend school and school-related functions in dress of their choice provided that their choices:
- Conform with established health and safety requirements for the intended activity;
- Do not represent or promote weapons, gang culture, alcohol or drugs;
- Use respectful language;
- Do not depict or promote violence, racism, sexism or discrimination; and
- Are not intimidating to others.
Ultimately, the school administration has the responsibility to apply the dress guidelines when necessary. If any person dresses in an inappropriate manner, the student should be advised personally and discretely and given an opportunity to meet school district guidelines.
Personal Digital Devices
Students will not be permitted to use personal digital devices during instructional time. When students need to use technology as part of their learning, they will use the devices provided at school. There may be situations when the school will permit a student to use a personal digital device for the purposes of inclusion and accessibility examples of those are digital literacy, communication, medical and health needs and as defined within an individual education plan.
We promote interactive play and communication with friends during non-instructional times. Students are encouraged to leave expensive devices at home, as we cannot guarantee the safety of these items. Any devices from home are expected to be turned off and stored in their backpacks during school hours.
Support Documentation:
Personal_Digital_Devices_Support_Guide.pdf (gov.bc.ca)