Where can I buy French Immersion books for my child
Scholastic Books offers the opportunity to order French and English books through the school. Ask your PAC rep. or go directly to their website.
Where can I take French lessons and experience French culture nearby?
Place Maillardville in Coquitlam offers a range of activities and courses for parents and children who are involved in French Immersion.
How can I support French Immersion?
Become a member of Canadian Parents for French.
How can my child continue to develop his/her French in the summer?
Consider registering your child in one of the following programs:
BC Family French Camp (registration is done in January). http://www.bcffc.com
Websites for your child:
Children learn French through songs and poems.These are fun sites for browsing:
Poems and songs
French Alphabet
Web Sites for you
There are many online sites that translate words and phrases.
Word reference http://www.wordrefernce.com
Google Language Tools http://www.google.ca/language_tools?hl=en
Listen and Repeat
There are some great online sites that provide audio for a variety of words and phrases.
Bonjour http://www.bonjour.com
BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/french/quickfix/ski.shtml
Pronunciation Guides
Listen to specific vowel sounds in words. Language guide.org
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