We are fast approaching the time of year when we begin to look at organizing our school for the coming year. Class placement is a very important, complex and time consuming part of this process that involves the consideration of many factors:
- Each child’s academic needs.
- Each child’s social needs.
- Emotional considerations for each child.
- The number of students per class.
- The balance of male to female students.
- Each child’s learning style.
- Fair distribution of students with extraordinary needs.
Throughout the year there have been many opportunities for parents and teachers to discuss each child’s learning needs. If you feel there is additional information regarding the specific learning needs of your child, or the learning environment that best suits your child, please provide this information to me in writing ( email is fine cwatkins@sd42.ca ). Prior to submitting such a letter please keep in mind that the teachers who work with your child daily have a very good grasp of their needs and on how they work in a school/classroom environment.
As parents we don’t get this intimate school perspective and as such should be open and receptive to the teacher’s perspectives and trust their professionalism in making the right choice for our students. However, as stated, if there is additional information regarding your child’s learning needs that you wish to provide for consideration then please do so in writing by June 8th