Volunteer drivers are very important to the success of school activities, and we appreciate your help in enriching the children’s learning experiences.
The safety of our students is always a priority. The school board and I.C.B.C. require all volunteer drivers have BOTH a Volunteer Driver Form and Driver’s Abstract on file at the school BEFORE any driver is allowed to take any child, other than their own, on a school outing. At Yennadon, both of these documents will be renewed each school year or at the date during the school year when the insurance expires.
Please note: In accordance to School Board policy 10310.2, two or more traffic violations in the year preceding the date of issue of the driver’s abstract will disallow approval.
Obtaining your driving record (Driver’s Abstract):
Your B.C. driving record lists your licensing transactions and offenses over the last 5-year period. You can get a FREE copy of your B.C. driving record from a driver licensing office. Here’s the process:
- Go to any driver licensing office. Bring:
- your B.C. driver’s license, or
- one piece of primary identification and a second piece of either primary or secondary ID.
- Receive a copy of your driving record from licensing staff.
You can also call 1-800-950-1498 and they will fax or email your driving record to you at 604-463-0228 or yen_reception@sd42.ca.
Visit: http://www.icbc.com/driver-licensing/getting-licensed/Pages/Your-driving-record.aspx and follow the instructions.
Again, this can be faxed or emailed to the school using the number/email address above.
DOWNLOAD a Volunteer Application Form and a Volunteer Driver Application Form here.